Friday, December 01, 2006

Traditional Greek Religious people

We had a discussion the other day over at Atrios about how Greece has been forced to recognize Greeks who worship, duh, the Greek Gods and Goddesses. Hecate, a Greek Goddess, was often worshipped where three crossroads met. Libations are still welcome, in or outside of Greece. :)

1 comment:

  1. Very Brave Pagan Greeks considering the orthodox church walked out in protest of the Parliment of Religions when Pagan members where inducted and introduced.
    And lest we not forget the Bishop he is violently opposed to Paganism just because he smiles and looks Santa does not mean won't tell a Greek to take custody of a child from a Pagan wife or excommunicate a adherent for marrying a Pagan I was raised Orthodox I know how brave these people are they need song and epic poems spoken and sang by future Pagan descendents.
