Monday, January 15, 2007

Pat Robertson Discovers New Method Of Birth Control

I realize that this may come as a surprise to those of you who believe in, well, biology, but apparently all it takes to keep from getting pregnant is to refuse to believe in the xian god. I know, it surprised me, too, but Pat Robertson says that it's so.

Also, and I realize that this may come as a surprise to Europe, but it's now become "statistically irrelevant" -- whatever that means -- because Europeans are doing a better job than the U.S. of controlling their population. Of course, the birth rate's down a bit in the U.S., but we've, according to Reverend Robertson, "made up" for that with a "wonderful f-f-flood of immigrants." Unlike Europe where there are now quite a few immigrants from places such as India and the Middle East, I guess. Who knows what the hell he's saying? That there aren't immigrants in Europe? That our immigrants are better than their immigrants? Does he start stuttering because he realizes that he's stepped in it and is about to piss off some of the poor slobs who send him their money? He's just batshit insane.

Who lets these people sell batshit on the American airwaves?


  1. I realize that this may come as a surprise to those of you who believe in, well, biology, but apparently all it takes to keep from getting pregnant is to refuse to believe in the xian god. I know, it surprised me, too, but Pat Robertson says that it's so.

    I bet India and China are *really* surprised.

  2. Anonymous11:43 AM

    my four kids will be very annoyed to learn that they don't exist.

  3. Anonymous1:31 PM

    It's shit like this that makes me long to dig up H. L. Mencken and put him back to work.

  4. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Hmmm, that's pretty funny stuff. Last time I checked, one of my close friends (an Atheist, no less) gave birth in November. And I know of several non-Christian friends and acquaintances that have had children (or are having more!).
    This fellow is a moron of the first order!
