Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Reason That Bush Wants More Soldiers Is The Reason Why He Mustn't Be Given Any

From Endgame, Vol. I:

[Leading consultant to Karl Rove and one of the most influential advisors on U.S. policy in the Middle East, Michael Leeden] wrote that "Creative destruction is our middle name. . . We do it automatically." he speaks of "exporting the democratic [sic] revolution," which can be done through a process called "total war," best described by his colleague Adam Mersereau:

"By 'total' war, I mean the kind of warfare that not only destroys the enemy's military forces, but also brings the enemy society to an extremely personal point of decision, so that they are willing to accept a reversal of the cultural trends that spawned the war in the first place. A total-war strategy does not have to include the intentional targeting of civilians, but the sparing of civilian lives cannot be its first priority . . . ."

[Leeden also says that]: "Societies with a majority of good people are rare and are constantly threatened by the evil-minded world outside. . . . Since we want peace, we must win the war. Since our enemies are inclined to do evil, we must win decisively and then impose virtue on their survivors, so that they can't do any more evil to us. . . . The only important thing is winning or losing. Don't worry about how the world will judge your strategy. Just worry about winning. Machiavelli tells us that if you win, everyone will judge your methods to have been appropriate."

No way should we give these people even one more American soldier to throw at their evil, disgusting, immoral, and completely unrelated-to-reality insanity. No way.

I'm sure Leeden's final sentence is what Bush has based his entire junta on, starting with the theft of the 2000 election. He thinks that if he "wins" -- whatever the fuck that means -- everyone will say that what he did was ok.

I won't. What they are doing is evil. They shouldn't be given more soldiers; they should be put somewhere quiet, and soothing, and safe, with padded walls and nice, friendly doctors to talk to. For their rest of their lives.


  1. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Sorry to quibble, but just the fact that they may eventually get out of their padded cells suggests that the French Revolution solution may be necessary...'nothing personal, just so you won't do it again.'

  2. i was taught as a youngin that democracy could not be exported or imported but occured when the common man and the intelligentsia unite after growing tired of fear oppression and bully the bourgeiose into supporting them. The intellegentsia is the brain the bourgeiousie is the pocketbook and the comman man the blood and guts of a revolution that brings a democratic government into being.
