Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Thanks, Sandra Day!

Amazingly enough, the NYT gets it just exactly right:

Neither broken promises nor failed policies changed Mr. Bush’s mind. So the nation has been saddled with tax cuts that have turned a budget surplus into a big deficit, education reform that has been badly managed and underfinanced, far-right judges with scant qualifications, the dismantling of regulations in order to benefit corporations at the expense of workers, and a triumph of ideology over science in policy making on the environment and medical research. All along, Americans’ civil liberties and the constitutional balance have been trampled by a president determined to assert ever more power.


  1. My God. Truthiness in spades. I can't believe it of a major newspaper!

    We must be turning a corner to a new paradigm. Hope so!

  2. P.S.

    I probably should have said "My Goddess!"
