Tuesday, January 23, 2007

When Our Troubles Began

Ken McLeod has some interesting things to say about the Bush junta's desperation for war with Iran:

I'm not saying that doesn't add up to a lot of things that could go wrong, any one of which could flip the world on its back, but hey. It could work. The Islamic Republic could fall, or fold, and the US bestride the Middle East like a colossus.

That victory would be the moment we'd some day look back on, and say, 'And that was when our troubles began.' Fortunately for America and its allies, such a victory is unlikely. What is far more likely is an ever-widening catastrophe across the Middle East if not beyond. But if a US victory does come about, the rest of the world would find itself facing a lone superpower that had successfully carried out an attack, perhaps even a nuclear attack, on a country that had no nuclear weapons and that had not attacked or threatened it. From then on we would all be living in interesting times; and on borrowed time. The time to do what we can to stop this is now.

Lots more here.

1 comment:

  1. It started when Reagan bunch decided to nurture train and let loose on the world, muslim religious fanatics because they had a higher kill ratio and did not mind massacring Soviet prisoners of war. (better dead than red)

    It started when we sold arms to a hostile nation on ten deadliest nations list to arm anti-communist fighters in central america (better dead than red)

    It started when Reagan administration began a pogram of recruiting Mormon Missionaries as Cia Operatives in the Middle East and Asia. People viewed by intelligence operatives in said countries as religous fanatics and were loathe to work with. Why? Fanatics are more honest than regular folk (better dead than red)

    IN the 80's we nurtured the snake let it go and blinded ourselves. And now we Cry that it recoiled and bit us on 9/11 (better dead than red)

    Is that a flat line I see coming up.
