Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Worst That The Patriarchy Has To Offer.

Once again, the catholic church demonstrates how truly anti-woman it really is.

The Vactican is furious over an Italian magazine reporter who "confessed" various sins to Italian priests to find out how closely they honed to the Vatican's line on various issues. The old white men in the silly dresses can rest easy: all the priests condemned abortion. However:

In another confessional box he faked being HIV positive and was told by a priest that whether or not he used a condom in order not to pass the virus to the woman he loved was "a very personal matter of conscience."

I hope, well, I think you know what I hope.


  1. Your photo illustrates it well. He has the strange eyes of someone who has never known love or tenderness.
    There is a climate of fear in the catholic church, nothing new, but catholic friends feel it and many hang on by their fingernails. In such a climate of fear, "a very personal matter of conscience" sounds like priest speak from a caring person which might be translated, "Ignore the church, follow your heart and do what you know to be right to protect your partner."

  2. This is one of the first pieces I ever posted on my blog. Somehow it seems appropriate today.

    Friday, May 19, 2006

    for Molly Ivins

    On first hearing that the "christian" right had come up with chastity rings, fingers weren't the first appendages to come to mind. Know what I mean? Then I heard about their even weirder sister. Ceremonies in which very little girls, indeed, symbolically give their reproductive organs to their daddy for safe keeping. He then is to hand them over to the groom at her wedding. I might not be the most financially savvy guy but this is sufficiently brazen as to glow like the sun. Electra becomes money. Keepin' it is a growth industry.

  3. Gee next will be a whip given to the husband, the father used on her to keep her in line. Old russian custom.
