Friday, February 02, 2007

Hair Styles of the 1970s

I'm an old woman and I've never been much of a tv watcher. Before this week, I'd never even heard of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force. But I have to say that the picture that goes with this article is probably the funniest thing I've ever seen.

If Blogger hadn't literallly forced me to switch to "New Blogger" (grr) and fucked me up so that I can't post YouTube videos, I'd post the second-funniest thing I've seen lately, which was the "news conference" given by the two "perpetrators" of the Boston Cartoon Hoax of Doom, wherein our heroes insisted on discussing haristyles of the 1970s, much to the consternation of the "reporters" who kept complaining that the young men weren't "taking this seriously," by which the reporters meant, playing the "being on tv, giving a news conference, seriously taking "questions" from "reporters" and never answering any of those questions while attempting to look as if you had" game.

I think it was a revolutionary moment; a lot like the moment when John Stewart called Tucker Carlson a dick and, when chided for not playing the game the way that Tucker expected it to be played, replied, "No. I'm not going to be your monkey."

In fact, I think it provides a paradigm for the way that all "serious" people should respond to "the press." We should all just show up and insist on discussing 1970s hairstyles. To wit, I present the following as a reference guide for serious people. You may wish to commit at least some of this information to memory, in case you find yourself being "questioned" by "reporters."

Bad 1970s haircuts.

Sha na na. All kinds of 70s hair

In the 1970s, women discovered curling irons.

Afros. No one could wear an Afro like Angela Davis.

General information on 1970s haircuts.


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I think it was a revolutionary moment; a lot like the moment when John Stewart called Tucker Carlson a dick and, when chided for not playing the game the way that Tucker expected it to be played, replied, "No. I'm not going to be your monkey."

  2. these fellas brilliantly deconstructed EVERYTHING about the event. they did NOT take their acts, or the public response, or the journalistic furor seriously, (as i think i mentioned several times during the week)...

  3. "It had a very sinister appearance,"

    So does Dick Cheney.

    [Massachusetts Attorney General Martha] Coakley told reporters. "It had a battery behind it, and wires."

    So does Dick Cheney's heart.

    Does this mean that we can get the Boston Bomb Squad to blow up Dick Cheney?

  4. Hecate, you can post YouTube videos in 'new' Blogger. My students do it all the time.

    You have to be in the raw HTML composing window, and then you just paste in YouTube's HTML code.

    Let me know if you have difficulties.

  5. Having a teenager in the home, I knew all about Aqua Teen Hunger Force. In fact, daughter The Heir has a Mooninite t-shirt which she wore proudly to school on Friday.

    The same signs were strewn all over Philly with nary a complaint.

  6. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Je n'ai pas tout compris, mais je trouve la photo magnifique.
    Le regard un peu triste, malheureusement, surtout quand on connait un peu sa vie.
