Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I'm Just Saying

You know, a rational society would be far more worried by this than by Britney Spears' shaved head, Anna Nicole Smith's death, and whether or not Paula Abdul got drunk on the job. I'm just sayin.

Hat tip to Dough at Eschaton.


  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Man's recklessness in hauling bees around as sort of migrant farmworkers does not seem to be ending happily.

    How far now, from such respect for the creatures as in John Greenleaf Whittier's "Telling of the Bees."


  2. What we need to get through our heads is that it's Big Money not the majority of us that's causing global climate change.

    Big Money is a self-perpetuating sickness that's killing us and the planet. Big Money exists for one reason: to make more Big Money. To make Big Money, BM needs to pollute. If we realize that it's BM that is killing us, then we'll stop it. So BM is doing all that it can to disguise the fact that it's the scourge behind many of our current world problems.

    BM is all our big multinational corporations. It's the Catholic church that still hums along on all the property it stole from the pagans it murdered during the Inquisition.

    BM has enuf BM to pay off anyone who squeals about them. That's what's so insidious about BM.

    The answer? GEt rid of the mind set that says some people -- who sit on the pot everyday just like the rest of us -- are somehow so superior that they have a right to swim in riches while millions of the rest of us die in the streets from poverty and lack of the basics needed even to keep us alive, let alone healthy.

    WE need new overarching symbols of The Good Man and The Good Woman. The symbol needs to be A Mother, because Mothers -- and we all know this -- Mothers love us all unconditionally. No one's better than anyone else in her eyes. We all deserve as much as anyone else. No one needs to get so rich that they can buy the planet and then dump it into the wastebin.

  3. Man's recklessness in hauling bees around as sort of migrant farmworkers does not seem to be ending happily.

    I was reading somewhere that this sort of system may be putting too much stress on the bees. Maybe they too are like the canaries in the mines -- this is a wake-up call that we're in deep trouble with big business's modern farming practices that work bees to a breakdown, just like workers who have to take up the slack for those who have been laid off.
