Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Living In A Circle

All day long, while I'm getting up, while I'm taking conference calls here at home, while I'm making garlic and whole wheat toast for lunch, while I'm going through e-mails from work, while I'm telling my minion what to do to get the pleading filed, while I'm feeding the cat and shoveling out the car and sitting zazen at my altar -- all day long the wonderful women in my circle are e-mailing each other with recipes for warm stew and plans for Saturday and complaints about work and plans for solitary ecstatic dance tonight. All day long the wonderful women in my circle are calling each other to check on the shut-ins. All day long, while I am alone here in my little cottage, satisfied INTJ that I am, all day long I am living within a wonderful circle of women.

I am blessed.

May it be so for you.

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