Friday, February 23, 2007

Shallow Clothes Blogging. Feel Free To Skip.

I don't always agree with this author's taste, but every single one of these is gorgeous.


  1. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Could I dog trot instead, or maybe just use a pogo stick?


  2. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I LOVE that court gown!!! Granted, the panniers are wider than my car, but dayummmm...THAT'S my idea of FINE dressing!!! (I chalk it up to a past life in the 18th C)
    Oh, to have a lovely fauteuil to lounge upon, receiving my friends as they visit...waiting for the chocolat chaud to arrive in my salon! ;)
    If you ever get the chance to visit the Victoria & Albert Museum in London - GO! :) GREAT costume collection!
    Hugs and blessings, thanks for the period dress porn! :)

  3. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Imagine Brad Pit wearing it , the way we think he would look is the way they see us in our garb, the body more ridiculed than enhanced . The fabric is to die for though.

  4. Anonymous10:07 AM

    anon, back then, among the set of folks that wore such fine clothse, the men got as gussied-up as the women including corsetry, wigs, makeup, stockings and heels. The diff was the gents wore breeches instead of underskirts. Personally, the thought of Brad Pitt (it is two 't's by the way) in Ancien Regime drag is rather fetching to me. And I am a woman. A gorgeous man is a gorgeous man - and sometimes, outrageous/unexpected raiment/makeup even enhances that.

  5. Anonymous10:08 AM

    whoops - no coffee yet, I meant "clothes".

  6. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I like the beaded dress, but that's about it.

  7. I love that black and grey banded dress on Dress-A-Day, and I don't even like dresses.

    The 18th C. court gown is fairly lovely too, although I must indeed contradict Anon anon and yet again by saying nothing but nothing outdoes 18th C. men's clothing. Pink silk stockings! Huge coats with deep, decadent turnback cuffs! Billowy lace cravats! Shy cloth-of-gold waistcoats peeping out from under gorgeous sweeps of chocolate-brown velvet! Dainty high-heeled shoes! Gorgeous shank buttons...all of which would look smashing on my floor.
