Monday, February 05, 2007

Sublime Acts Of Patriotism

From today's EEI newsletter:

Journal-Constitution: Patriotism Could Drive Energy Independence

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, in an editorial, said in lieu of strong presidential action, it is up the American people to lead the fight for energy independence. Critiquing President Bush's State of the Union address, the newspaper wrote: "Taken in turn, the flaws in the president's approach are clear. For example, while corn ethanol should be part of any comprehensive plan to promote cleaner, gasoline alternatives, we're in for a world of hurt if it becomes the primary one," because the United States already grows massive amounts of corn, and demand for ethanol has sent corn-based food prices soaring.

Saying the Iraq war is as much about gaining control over Iraqi oil fields as it is about trying to establish democracy there, the Journal-Constitution said that Americans should honor the sacrifices of U.S. soldiers by reducing the demand for fossil fuels. Wrote the newspaper: "Viewed that way, curbing our energy consumption, insisting on higher gasoline economy, and diversifying our portfolio of clean-burning fuels aren't bland policy prescriptions, they're sublime acts of patriotism."
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, editorial , Feb. 4.

Thhe AJC has it exactly right.


  1. Sorry, no they don't.

    Patriotism hasn't curbed the expansion of Wal-Mart and Home Depot and their flood of non-American products. Patriotism (or morality for that matter) isn't affecting the patterns in our natural resource and farm product acquisitions.

    At the end of the day, "Americans" are just a market, and if we want to see a change in the consumption patterns of Americans, we need to make the undesirable actions more expensive through either regulation, consumption taxes or tariffs. The end.

  2. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Says you. Americans are just a market because of the lack of leadership and patriotism. the expansion of Walmart has as much to do with the lack of patriotism among our coporate leasders as it has to do with the ever-expanding push on the middle and lower classes by the greedy warmongering Republicans that sacrifice humans for profits. Regulation of the media is the only real answer. The end.

