Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Constitutional Crisis. Bring It, Bitches.

I think that, as he so often does, NTodd has called this one just right. We've been in a Constitutional crisis. I think we've been there ever since five justices on the Supreme Court, including those appointed by his father, ordered Florida to stop counting Americans' votes and to selected Bush to be "president." The Constitutional crisis has continued for years, with this illegitimate "president" issuing signing statements saying that he's above the law. With warrantless spying on American citizens coughtheKerrycampaigncough. With an Attorney General disputing the fact that Americans have an inalienable right to habeas corpus. With, as NTodd notes, a rubber-stamp Congress that provided NO oversight of the executive branch of our government. So, like fish who were unaware that they were swimming in water, we've been living in a Constitutional crisis for six years. The difference is, now we know it.

I think that when Bush instructs his staff to be in contempt of Congress, and possibly a district court, he is then in violation of his consitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed and has to be impeached. It's not that the founders didn't forsee this sort of problem and provide a remedy. They did. It's called impeachment.

This plays out and, at the end, either we have something that calls itself America, but isn't, or we have our country back. Either way, it's time. Let's all pray the Dems have the ovaries for this.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Oh, please....please, any sort of crisis that gives us our country back!
    And while I am at it? A pox on Scalia, cause in addition to all the "legal" department stuff, he just pisses me off as a sorry assed example of a human.
