Friday, March 09, 2007

Faggotty Protest Poetry Slam

Remember, body...

Body, remember not only how much you were loved,
not only the beds on which you lay,
but also those desires which for you
plainly glowed in the eyes,
and trembled in the voice -- and some
chance obstacle made them futile.
Now that all belongs to the past,
it is almost as if you had yielded
to those desires too -- remember,
how they glowed, in the eyes looking at you;
how they trembled in the voice, for you, remember, body.

Constantine P. Cavafy (1918)


  1. Oh, shit. Jeune Homme Nu. I put a lovely framed print of this in the trash when I moved a couple weeks ago, because an old BF of mine could have been the model. Before that it lived in the back of my closet for 4 years.

    ::waves @ Hecate::

  2. What a beautiful poem.
