Saturday, March 10, 2007

My Screen Porch

Sweet Mother of all the Gods, all the Goddesses, all the devas, all the nymphs, all the slyphs, all the Fairies, all the wee folk, all the odd spirits of this cottage, all the animals, all the plants, Sweet Goddess, thank you.

I just went out on my screen porch -- at 8:30 at night, in the complete dark -- and it was blissfully warm. Warm as in, barefoot on the ceramic tiles warm. Warm as in eat your dinner out here warm. Thank you, Mother.

I bought this little cottage for the screen porch. My agent had, by the time we'd been through so many other properties, finally begun to believe me that I only wanted to buy a house with a nice yard. So when we came here, she took me around back to the yard first. And, it was bad. Sloping. Neglected. Hodge-podge, one owner after another having stuck in "something," and taken out NOTHING. So she knew that I wouldn't buy, but she said, "The sellers' agent is a friend of mine. Let's walk through just to be polite." So we did and, even though I did like the kitchen, I had no plans to buy a house with a bad yard, too much shade to grow herbs, a difficult slope. But. But then, we walked out onto the screen porch and I knew that I would buy this house, that in the middle of a feverish market I would do what it took to get this house. Because of that screen porch. And, I did.

The yard still needs a lot of work. I've wallpapered the house and filled it with Stickley and art and new water heaters and basement drainage systems and ceiling fixtures. But the screen porch is perfect.

And, I love it. From about April until through almost the end of October, that's where I live -- out on the screen porch which has a view from which even my backyard doesn't look nearly as bad as it is. Out on the screen porch with its ceiling fan and big cedar table and skylights. I love my screen porch and, from now -- two weeks before Ostara -- until as close to Samhein as I can get, this is where I'll eat breakfast and dinner, read, blog, pet Miss Thing, sit and meditate, conduct rituals.

Thank you Mother of all the Gods. Thank you.


  1. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Dearest Hecate - it's perfect!!! How charming it must be! I am hoping to move from this nice apartment into a rental house (for now...if my beau and I can survive his teens and his work schedule...? THEN maybe buy something) so that I can actually garden and have a ritual space that doesn't have all the other balconies looking at me. And I need a great kitchen for my budding baking/decorating (and the beau is a chef). Please post more pictures if you are comfortable with that, I would LOVE to see the porch!

  2. Anonymous10:11 PM

    oh, that's his teen children, he's not in his teens...LOL!!!!

  3. Oh, what a lovely house! It looks like an abode for faeries. And I am truly jealous of your screen porch. My grandparents' cottage in the mountains has one. I used to sleep outside in the summertime and listen to the whipporwills calling to each other through the hollers.

    My house has a front porch with no screen. From May until first frost I have two options: don't use it or smear foul-smelling pesticide all over myself. The mosquitoes become thick very quickly in the spring.

    I do have a round table out there, scavenged from a yard sale. Sometimes we have family dinners on the porch before mosquito season sets in, or if we happen to be eating during daylight hours. (That doesn't happen often, even in daylight savings time, I'm the slowest cook in the world.)

    Congratulations on a beautiful property. Knowing where you live, it must have cost a bundle.
