Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Oh, Baby!

The Wild Hunt has a good post about the growing (you should pardon the pun) issue of Pagan children. Most Pagans I know figure that their kids will make their own religious decisions. In so many ways, I think of our faith as an "adult" undertaking, but that's only because that's how it's generally been, at least for the last generation or three. How interesting it's going to be to watch second and third generation Pagans come of age. What a lovely new experiement.


  1. My pagan baby has turned into a teenager just as rebellious as me. He fought to go to catholic school and is a quarterback on the football team. The saving grace is he's finding out that catholicism and christianity are just as wierd as what he's grown up with.

  2. I know someone who is a third generation Druid. He knows the Gaelic chants and everything. My girls only know they don't want any more part of the Christian church. The rest I'll leave to them.
