Sunday, March 18, 2007

Stop It. Becuase When You Hurt Yourself, I Will Laugh

Look at the pastor who's raised a rucus suggesting that xian mothers wear a hormone patch to make sure that their child isn't born gay. Tell me that he doesn't make your gaydar go off.

For the love of Lakshmi, xians, get the fuck over it. People have been rubbing fancy bits ever since the dawn of time and will be doing so for the forseeable future. No one cares but you bozos and you don't even know why you care; you just know that you do.

And stop for a minute and contemplate the nature of the "loving god" that these whackjobs worship. He'd "make" a child gay and then consider gay love a sin. It's just unfuckingbelievable the knots into which these people will twist themselves over a complete nonissue. Who cares who sleeps with who?


  1. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Doesn't the above prove once again that organized religion is pathological and is mostly practised by the spiritually weak?

  2. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Not so much my gaydar as my virgindar.

  3. I find it both amusing and appalling that this comes from the same fundie xians that believe we shouldn't mess with "God's work" by having an abortion or doing stem-cell research.

  4. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Ottavina and others, it's only "okay" because it is 'their' idea...personally I am surprised they don't make it "okay" to "abort teh gay away"!
    Some kind of creeps those fundies!

  5. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Which hormone patch is he suggesting?

    Because IIRC, there is evidence increased testosterone in the womb during pregnancy increases the chance males will be homosexual.

    Oooh, BACKFIRE!

  6. Just to clarify, Albert Mohler is not a pastor. Rather, he's the president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, located in Louisville, KY. He engineered a coup which replaced the moderate professors with fundies and got rid of the School of Social Work. Last year Al decided it was a bad thing for women to teach future pastors, so kicked out a female religion professor.

    Al's a real piece of work. He has a daily radio show, blogs a couple times a week, and is a general influence on the hard right fundievangelical crowd. His God is the patriarchal christian god and anything that could adversely affect the golden peepee is slammed by him.

    A couple of Al's prior faux pas included recommending that young people marry VERY young (as in practically right out of high school) and that Christian married couples who choose not to reproduce are defying God. It should be noted that Mohler, 47 (which means he may be around for a while to come), is the father of two children. It also doesn't seem to have occurred to Mohler that the highest reason for divorce--finances--could be alleviated by waiting marriage until later. But Al's overriding thing is to eliminate sin, and not marrying young is tempting people to fornicate outside of marriage.

    Like I said, real piece of work.

  7. Anonymous6:01 PM

    the thought of what could happen if we started playing around with the hormonal development of the fetus is terrifying in more ways than i can count. we already have enough people struggling with gender dysphoria. anyway, i think gay people are an evolutionary necessity, if you look at humans as social animals. we need aunts and uncles as well as mothers and fathers. a kid is too much for just two parents to handle, never mind one.

  8. I've said it more than once, fools such as this will continue to spread their tripe until more liberal Christians turn round and speak up and make it clear that he does not represent the majority of us.
