Friday, March 02, 2007

Will We Rise To The Challenge?

WaPo on a recent report on the likely effects of global warming:

A first set of disasters waiting to happen involves stressed ecosystems. Human actions -- deforestation, overfarming, rapid urbanization -- have created special vulnerabilities to catastrophic natural events that are likely as the climate changes globally. In an interview, Schwartz cited the example of Haiti, which because of deforestation and loss of topsoil is "an ecosystem at the edge." A prolonged drought or a devastating hurricane could tip Haiti over that threshold -- and produce a refugee crisis of tens of thousands of boat people fleeing a devastated country.

Or take the problem of rising sea levels: Climate scientists are uncertain how fast the icecaps will melt and the seas will rise. But in Bangladesh, where millions of people live at or near sea level, even a small increase could produce a catastrophe. In a severe monsoon, 60 million to 100 million people could be forced to flee inundated areas, Schwartz warns, producing "the single greatest humanitarian crisis we have ever seen."

Lack of water may be as big a problem as flooding. Schwartz notes that more than 700 million people now live in arid or semi-arid areas. Climate change could tip this balance, too, producing severe water shortages and even "water wars." Tens of millions of people may become water migrants. The world's feeble political systems can't cope with existing migration patterns, let alone this human tide.

And finally, there is the problem of maintaining social order in a stressed world. You don't have to go to Baghdad to see how quickly the social fabric can be shredded; just look at New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. The stresses come in part from rapid urbanization. Schwartz notes that in 1900, one in 20 people lived in cities; today it's about half, and the percentage is rising fast. Without strong and supple governments, this could become a world of vigilantes and militias, desperate to control scarce resources.

The big problems in life aren't the ones that hit you by surprise but the ones you can see coming. That's surely the case with climate change: We can measure it, we can imagine its catastrophic effects. But can we do anything to stop it? If we let ourselves visualize how bad it could get, as Schwartz does in this report, will we make changes that might reduce the disaster? That's the real stress test: It's coming at us. What are we doing about it?

My experience with reality indicates that you can't change what's coming. You can, often, however, decide whether it's going to come the easy way, or the hard way. Currently, we appear to be set on the hard way.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    In a word, No.
    We haven't yet in our brief history of destroying our planet and I seriously doubt we will now. In the past, the leaders of the collapsed civilizations were more concerned with power and prestige than in making sure there were resources available for their own future offspring.
    We as a species haven't changed one little bit. Our current crop of leaders are doing the same thing. Short term profits or power traded for long term survival. As long as they have theirs now, they don't give a crap who has any later. Read Collapse by Jared Diamond for the nitty gritty disgusting details on collapsed civilizations like the Viking Greenlanders, Mayans, Anasazi, and Easter Island. The parallels to today are unmistakable.
