Monday, April 09, 2007


If this works, it's thanks to Molly Ivors. If it screws up, the fault is all mine.

Here's the great video that E mentioned over the weekend.


  1. Well done!

    What a fabulous video.
    In South Africa, we've got one thing right at least-our clothing stores do cater to the real,big women we have in abundance.

    Yes- some of us have got the Thin Disease.
    But the very real spectre of someone dieing of Aids is ever with us- and 'thin' has come to mean 'sick', perhaps more often than in the West.
    Terri in Joburg

  2. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Interestingly, "thin" originally meant "sick" and/or "poor" (you were only thin because you couldn't afford enough to eat). Nowadays, in the US anyway, that's completely reversed. "Thin" usually means "wealthy enough to afford good food, a health club membership, the leisure time to take advantage of it, medical care, and a safe neighborhood where you can engage in outdoor recreation." It's a national shame that we don't see these things as priorities for EVERY person.
