Monday, May 14, 2007

My New Name For A Blog

What Twisty Said about breast cancer "survivors." And, I'lll just note that I have yet to read an article about a prostate cancer "survivor" who was forced to gush on and on about what a "blessing" prostate cancer was and how "grateful" he is. Just sayin' (We sure are scared of mad women in this patriarchy, aren't we? With good reason. Just sayin.)


Anonymous said...

The story is not on line but there is a beekeeper instructor at Santa Rosa Jr College Santa Rosa Ca named Serge Labesque --he describes himself as a rebel beekeeper. He is an innovator in hive design and beekeeping practice.

Liars for Bush

Anonymous said...

this site gives to a link to his email address

mirele said...

Thanks for this, Hecate.

Mad as hell is a perfectly acceptable response, even if the pink volunterrorists say otherwise.

Bhuidhe said...

Hecate, thank you SO much for putting the article my way. I am SO GLAD I read it.
I'm not a Pollyanna person, and I was very moved by the fierce, honest emotion.
I had a little scare a few months ago (turned out to be nothing) and I know I should say the waiting period made me grow, opened my mind, made me see the value of my life etc etc.
But the thing is I already knew I was happy to be alive, that I love my children, that they love me and that I appreciate my health.
I didn't have a good time at all.
By the way, I just wrote a post about one of our most valiant Warriors for the Boys here in Italy, the Pope, on my Granepadane blog, if you're interested.

deborahoak said...

Hecate, thank you. My mother is in the hospital fighting the infection from a mastectomy done in sister thinks they left a sponge in her and she may be right. is hideous the pressure on women with cancer to be "plucky"...I'm mad today.