Monday, May 07, 2007


I don't live in San Francisco (sigh), and so, perhaps, I'm a bit removed from the churning waters that always seem to be swirling around the Reclaiming Tradition. Reclaiming is a branch of modern witchcraft that I, at least, associate with Starhawk (which may, no fault of Starhawk's, be part of the problem that some folks have). I've take the four basic Reclaiming classes: Elements of Magic; Stories, Dreams, and Trance; Iron Pentacle, and Pearl Pentacle (sorta). I took Elements of Magic twice, because, well, because I imagine that one could take that class for a lifetime and still have much to learn. I think that the Reclaiming classes offer a grounding (no pun intended) in witchcraft and basic magic that one can't obtain simply by reading books or practicing as a solitary witch.

So I'm interested to see blogger Anne Hill talking about moving on from Reclaiming to what she terms "Remaining." I guess that I never considered myself a Reclaiming Witch, merely a witch who'd taken Reclaiming classes. I agree with Anne when she says that:

Reclaiming is like a quick-rising bread. If you want to experience the potential of energy and magic, it’s all there at your fingertips without too much effort. It is a great entry-way into the wider world of Pagan spirituality, and has spawned some of the most talented energyworkers, organizers, priests and priestesses I have ever had the pleasure of working with. I'm not sure why it needs to be more than that.

Lately, I'm spending a lot of time thinking about the difference between doing ritual and doing magic. I think many Pagans confuse these two which, obviously, have some overlap. I'm grateful to Reclaiming for providing me with the basics of doing magic and for showing me that ritual isn't always magic.

Mmmm, San Francisco. I have a circle sister spending a few months in San Francisco. I wish some of you San Francisco witches would take her out for lunch.


  1. Anonymous10:14 PM

    I don't know much about this decaffeinated diabolism you're talking about here, madame, but I want you to know that I am banned from the Opium Den. Have been for a week or two. Don't assume that the person you think you are addressing there is me.

  2. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Well, perhaps it doesn't have to be more than that. Sometimes I think that the farther from SF you are, the easier it is to be simply a Reclaiming-trained witch.

    The trouble with saying anything at all about Reclaiming is that everyone has a different experience of it, and much of what people talk about is largely a mirage anyway, so it is very difficult to be both specific and meaningful. Thanks for adding your viewpoint to the mix.

