Thursday, July 26, 2007


I know that I've blogged about this before, but, for me, walking barefoot is an act of love and pleasure, a ritual of the Goddess.

And, all day today, a day when I stayed home from work, I was walking barefoot on the pinewood floors of my 1950s bungalow. I was walking barefoot on the wool Stickley and Jax carpets on my floors. I was walking barefoot on the sun-warmed ceramic tiles of my screen porch. I was walking barefoot on the dew-kissed grass of my front lawn, on the artisemia-planted dirt of my woodland garden, on the sun-warmed bricks that surround my herb bed, on the warm, dry boards of my deck while I watered gardenias and climbing roses and moonflower vines. All day, all day, all day, as an act of worship, my feet and the Earth were making love to each other, all day, all day, all day. All day, I was watering the dry, dry Earth and all day, all day, all day, the Earth was sending amazing scents back to me.

Do you walk barefoot? Where do you do it?


  1. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Oh yes, barefooting is a favorite thing of mine. When growing up in south Florida that is how time out of school was spent. The feet became rather calloused, but yet you could still sense the textures of the Earth so much better. It made you feel connected to it, to respect it.

    Now a days I barefoot mostly in house because I live in North now and while once in a great while I may outside barefoot in the snow, it is very rarely.

  2. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I have gotten to play twice now at the Iron Horse Music Hall in town. Both times onstage with my band, I was in a fabulous dress and barefoot.

    My girls and I have been known to dance barefoot in the grass, walk barefoot down the street (and yes, even downtown--I *do* get some looks!)

  3. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Anywhere but my back lawn which is golden retriever territory...
