Saturday, August 18, 2007

Saturday Morning Garden Blogging

Morning glories, and calla lillies, and hostas, oh my! A shot of the gebera daisy on the screen porch. And, because I love dappled shade more than almost anything, some climbing rose leaves.


  1. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Admirable! Well done!


  2. I am rather envious.

  3. Anonymous10:59 AM

    One of the things I miss so much from my childhood is screened porches. Everyone of any means whatsoever had them. Best when facing the road or street--good for limited conversations with passersby on the sidewalk. And the porch furniture was protected; no need to rush to cover things when bad weather was about. Ah, yes, the porches or yesteryear, with their cushioned gliders and wicker....

    Remembrance of things past: simple lunches of lemonade made with freshly squeezed lemons, salmon sandwiches drizzled with lemon juice on a bed of leaf lettuce fresh from the garden. I'm salivating!

    I have a deck, but my yard is small, so screening it in and giving it a roof means little deck--footprint can't get much bigger here. But I think about it.

    Would give the kitties more screens to climb and ruin!


  4. I can't wait for my magical garden to wake up!
    Terri in Joburg
