Friday, February 15, 2008

Hail and Welcome!

I'm K. and I will be your guest blogger for today. I will admit though I do blink a bit in suprise when Hecate refers as being her "v. creative friend K." given the wonderfully crative women in our circle, but I strive to live up to the moniker.

Normally when Hecate is away, I'm in charge with making sure Miss Thing gets the attention due her. Since Hecate is sheltering in place she asked me to do this instead. I'm not sure whether it is a promotion or demotion.

This is actually my very first blog. It's odd though, even though my current work incarnation is as a technical editor/writer and I've been editing and creating television series for a online production company, I've never been into journaling even before advent of blogging, live journals. Actually most of my fun downtime writing has been slash as well as het fanfiction. I promise to keep it clean here, though. I don't want Hecate coming back to a mess.

1 comment:

  1. It's easier to keep a blog clean than to keep a cat box clean. Welcome to our world!
