Monday, April 14, 2008

Let's Hope That The Planning Commission Does The Right Thing

From Michelle Willard:

The contentious debate surrounding the proposed Bible Park continues at 5 Monday evening, when Rutherford County Planning Commission hears public comments and casts its vote.

The planning commission is the second step in the zoning process and is only a recommending body to Rutherford County’s Board of Commissioners. The county commission has final say in the process and is expected to hold a vote on the project on May 15.

The Future Development Committee, a recommending body to the Planning Commission, met Thursday, April 3 to review the land-use plan and Conditional Use Permit request of SafeHarbor, LLC, to develop a non-denominational, Biblically based theme park in the Blackman Community, northwest of Murfreesboro.

The FDC debate ended in a 3-3 tie, meaning the plans go to the Planning Commission with no recommendation.

The committee based its vote on public concerns about the park’s impact on the surrounding community and its seeming conflict with the county’s Blackman Community Land-Use Plan.

SafeHarbor’s plans for the park and its economic impact study were approved by the Industrial Development Board, a quasi-governmental body, April 2.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Murfreesboro? Rutherford County Tennessee? "Right thing"? You note I am not connecting those terms into a sentence, on account of like they (at least used to) say on Sesame Street, "One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong."

    The town has been drowning in development for the last 10 years at least that i've been down here. They have trashed, just obliterated, built right up to within an inch of the NPS borders, what could have been one of the premier Civil War battlefield parks in the US.

    That's because they think if they pave over just one more square yard, take one more "campaign donation" from some hustler for a zoning exemption for "development," widen just one more road, tear down one more antebellum home to put up 40 acres of mcMansions, they will get to be big and prosperous and not be sneered at by Nashville as "the sticks" any more.

    Won't happen, but they keep trying. They see that place in Kentucky raking in the buck$ and say "where's miiiiine??"
