Saturday, July 19, 2008

Black-Eyed Susans

They're the State flower of Maryland, but the grow really well in Virginia, too. Perennials, they can grow in some shade, which, in my yard, is a good thing. I like them because they'll bloom for several weeks here at the end of July, when most flowers are finished, providing color until the fall mums come in.


  1. Anonymous11:21 AM

    i once saw an arrangement of red chokeberries next to black-eyed susans. think it was at a funeral. wyrd.

  2. Wow, they're beautiful! Don't think I've seen them before, possibly we don't get them here in the UK. x

  3. They are my favorite flower. I guess that's because I was born in Maryland. I carried them as my wedding bouquet, picked myself in the field across the road from my house.

  4. Your garden pictures always make me smile.

