Saturday, July 26, 2008

Ecstatic Dance

If Wicca is an ecstatic religion, how do we achieve, maintain, and use ecstasy? How do we allow ecstasy to achieve, maintain, and use us? How often and, if not, why not?


  1. This is kind of off-topic, but it's what I belive has become something of a truism:

    Whenever something can be placed into a dominant-submissive paradigm, it will also always be genderized, with the female assignation going to the submissive side.

    Needless to say, I fucking hate that.

    Meanwhile, let the ecstasy begin!

  2. Many nations around the world are proud of their history, no more so than Irish people. Irish people, no matter where they live, love their heritage and where they come from. This is evident where ever you visit anywhere Irish. Be it in the pub or even in the homes. Music and dance are an important part of their history. But as for the dancing, how did it start? This article is all about the beginnings the popular past time.
