Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fuck That Shit

Sarah Palin is a beneficiary of the feminists who -- beginning with Abagail Adams and continuing on through Susan B. Anthony and Betty Friedan and Robin Morgan and bell hooks and on to Hillary Clinton -- fought, put up with ridicule, got jailed, got force fed, got arrested, got told by their own party to shut the fuck up, over and over and over again. Those women made it possible for Governor Palin to be a woman, hold elected office, exercise her own choices over her reproductive capabilities, be a working mother, and be selected to run for Vice President.

And Sarah Palin is a traitor to the cause of feminism. She is a cynical pick by a cynical man at the head of a cynical party that believes women really are too stupid to look at a bunch of grey choices and figure out which shade of grey is better for us.

Sarah Palin opposes a woman's right to choose. She opposes the rights of lesbians to get married. She supports the teaching of evolution in school. She fails to honor Mamma Gaia -- the first and most important step that this culture must make if it is to create a post-patriarchial world.

Am I going to like voting for Joe Biden? No. I remember Anita Hill. I've met Anita Hill. I like Anita Hill. I'm never going to forgive Joe Biden for what he did to Anita Hill. I'm also not going to forget what he did to working women and single moms with his bankruptcy bill that favored credit card companies over women without health insurance who run up large medical bills.

But I am going to VOTE for Joe Biden for VP and, if you're a feminist in anything other than the safest of safe blue states, so will you. I live in VA, a complete toss-up this year, and I'm going to pull the lever for Obama/Biden. Obama will, and, Goddess forfend, should anything happen to Obama, Biden will pick far better SCOTUS nominees than will McCain (or, seriously, Goddess forfend, Palin). They'll provide a better economy, which will help single moms struggling with debt and old women discriminated against on the job.

Sarah Palin isn't a feminist torchbearer. She's the Clarence Thomas of feminism: someone who benefitted from the movement and now wants to pull the ladder up behind her.

Fuck that shit.


  1. Anonymous5:47 PM

    For the record, every single candidate, both Republican and Democratic, are solidly against lesbian marriage. Every one of those people has proclaimed on national T.V. that marriage is between a man and a woman... every damn one of them.

    I'm pretty much a separatist, and avoid all contact with men and straight people. They're all damnd as far as I'm concerned.

    When straight women get their MAJORITY act together, we'll easily have freedom in this country, but if I have to hear yet another whine about abortion and birth control I'm going to explode.

  2. Anonymous9:11 PM

    When straight women get their MAJORITY act together, we'll easily have freedom in this country, but if I have to hear yet another whine about abortion and birth control I'm going to explode.

    Straight women?

    How about all women?

    This election is not about Roe, no matter how much the fear-mongers try to sell it. That's a diversion. There are more important issues that affect all Americans.

    The problem with the dems is they can't sell the product, because it's still on the drawing board.

  3. I am so pissed off at McCain's (and his advisors') cynical idea that women will be in favor of Palin because she's a woman, that all the women who supported Hilary in the primaries didn't care at all about her policies and her positions, but just her two x chromosomes.

    As far as I'm concerned, the selection of Sarah Palin is both cynical and desperate, and I can't imagine any thinking person who's going to fall for it.

  4. Anonymous8:10 AM

    among female likely voters are many who have seen a qualified older woman passed over in favor of a younger, more congenial one. there were republican women with records and accomplishments, and they were not even consulted. anyone of a certain age has seen the older, experienced and straightforward person of either gender passed over for a people pleaser.

  5. Anonymous7:54 AM

    This election is all about the ability of the next president to appoint justices to the Supreme Court. Goddess forbid if John McBush/Sarah Congeniality have the chance to choose who sits on the court. KEEP YOUR F***ING HANDS OFF MY UTERUS!
