Undermining the Patriarchy Every Chance I Get -- And I Get a Lot of Chances Please find me at my new blog: hecatedemeter.wordpress.com
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Reading About Gardening
As we head willy-nilly into Lughnasadh and the decline of the year, I am still quite busy in the garden. And if I can't be gardening, then I like to read about gardening. Here are a few good links:
A cottage. Herbs. Perfection.
Organic. In DC. With recipes and pictures.
OK, the gardening connection is not too strong; but they cook based on what they get from their CSA, they provide pictures, and they live near my office. (Hat tip to my v creative friend, K).
DC Urban Gardeners. Nuff said.
Garden Rant. City gardening at its best.
And, speaking of Parties That I Should Have Been Invited To, But Wasn't.
Picture found here.
As a DC native it is nice to see a focus on urban agriculture. I have since been transplanted to Richmond and we have some catching up to do, but we do have a urban agriculture symposium scheduled this August, and I just helped to create the first community garden on city property. Have you seen the plans for the urban farm in Detroit?
So very inspiring! Have a happy Lughnasadh.
I'm bookmoarking these, thanks and thanks for the hat tip.