Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Just Saying -- They're Going After Witchvox


  1. Dr. Scott Johnson also preaches that the end of the world is coming in 2009, that Oprah is here to lead us to the anti-Christ, that Obama IS the anti-Christ, and that TV towers are transmitting, not TV signals but mind control. He is a whack-job of the nth degree and I am sure he is popular in the whirling circles of the wingnuts.

  2. Anonymous5:19 PM

    One surely needs alot of psychic protection after that crap. I do know some individual Christians who are very nice people. However, I still would never tell them I am a pagan.

  3. There is so much wrong with his little speech that I dont even know where to start.

  4. Michael C11:15 PM

    If this creep isn't a big old Queen, I'm cashing in my gaydar and my commie-pinko-fag credentials.
    Whew. I need a bath.

  5. In the words of that great mahatma, Bugs Bunny, "What a maroon! What a ignoranimus!"
