Friday, September 04, 2009

Durga, Hail And Welcome

News of a festival to worship Durga.

Innumerable devotees thronged the Sri Durga Temple located at Kunjarugiri, near Kurkalu here on Friday September 4, to offer ‘puja’ to Goddess Durga on the third Friday of ‘Sona’ month of the Tulunadu calendar.

Follow the link for lots of great photos.

Somehow, a half a century or so ago, I grew up, v well-read and interested in international news without ever learning that there were cultures NOW, HERE, TODAY, that worshipped Goddesses. That was wrong of them to do that to me.

Picture found here.

1 comment:

  1. We at "The Gods Are Bored" heartily endorse the worship of Durga. Long may She reign!
