Thursday, September 10, 2009

What She Said

Sensuous during life
do not deny me in death!

Wash me with scent of apple blossom

Annoint me with essence of lilac.

Fill my veins with honeysuckle necatar.

Sprinkle me with perfume of purple violets.

Envelope me in shroud saturated with fragrance of freshly mown meadow hay.

Rest me in moss velvet earth.

Cover me with soil extruding flavor of maple and oak leaves.

Command a white birch to stand guard.

~Lois Wickenhauser, in Earth Prayers From Around the World, edited by Elizabeth Roberts aand Elias Amidon.

Picture found here

1 comment:

  1. That is one of my favorite poems and one I want read at my funeral, you know, when I die.
