Friday, October 02, 2009

American Traditionalist Wicca.

Llewellyn is bringing out a new book by Scott Cunningham, albeit that Scott passed through the veils in 1993. Llewellyn announced that:

Scott looked through scores of aged texts and studied with every teacher he could find to satisfy an unending curiosity. He yearned to create what he could not find in the existing Wiccan canon: a Book of Shadows based on past traditions, yet forward-looking—a true guidebook for Wiccan practice. He left our world before he could reveal it...or so it was thought.

Recently, one of his heirs discovered a battered manila envelope among Scott's papers. Hidden within it was a lost treasure that, to many of Scott's fans, is more valuable than gold-the manuscript for his long-lost book of shadows.

American Traditionalist Wicca

Llewellyn Publications takes great pride in presenting the most unexpected yet eagerly desired book in the history of Pagan publishing, Cunningham's Book of Shadows. Scott referred to the system that is published here for the first time as "American Traditionalist Wicca"—a melding of traditional Wiccan practice and Scott's own unique and inspired work. If you have followed the wisdom found in any of his previous books, now you can actually practice the system he developed and used in his own religious and spiritual tradition, bringing you closer than ever before to
Scott and his teachings.

For many of us, Cunningham's books were an entryway into witchcraft. It will be interesting to see how he reads lo these many years later. One early review bemoans the lack of an index.

Picture found here.

1 comment:

  1. Please accept Jesus Christ as your savior as long as you can before you die!!! Turn away from sin, turn away from practicing magic Rituals because everything else is just a big lie from the devil who wants to torment you in hell!

    Watch this video from an ex-atheist who saw witches burning in hell while he had a near death experience:

    Greetings from Germany
