Monday, November 30, 2009

Slap Away My Holy Water And Call Me Shirley

but I swear that I was under the impression that this was the point of the whole damn thing.

The bishop also cites the carol Oh Come All Ye Faithful as an example of how songs of the season perpetuate inaccuracies of what really happened concerning the story of Christ's birth.
Bishop Baines says in the book it was not the "faithful" who went to see Jesus and his parents but rather shepherds, who were of the "great unwashed" and the wise men or Magi (astrologers) who were "not good Jews, but were pagans, men who were outside the covenant people of God."

Wasn't it? The notion that Jesus was born to bring "Good News" to the great unwashed and to those not recognized as "good Jews"? I suppose that a youth spent reading Quotations from Chairman Jesus may have done me in. (Holy shit. I may have paid $4.99 for that book in the early seventies.) Sigh.

Picture found here.

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