Thursday, December 17, 2009

It's Not "Just" In Africa

Proclaiming to be a prophet influenced by the "Holy Spirit," a Bechtelsville area woman dramatically stood up in court and called the woman she's accused of stalking a witch.

"(She) is a very powerful witch, it's true. She has grown more insolent," Sharlene Andreyko bellowed in a Montgomery County courtroom on Tuesday as she stared at the Lower Pottsgrove woman who prosecutors say she repeatedly stalked. "I am here making an accusation that I do not do lightly. This is very, very real. I am not a crazed lunatic."

Countdown to the allegation that the legal system is picking on this poor xian by preventing her from following her religious beliefs in 5, 4, 3, . . . .

Read the whole, sad tale here.


  1. And oh yeah, p.s., she is not a crackpot.

    I get the feeling that the African concepts commonly translated as "witch" and "witchcraft" are wildly different from our own. I wish somebody acquainted with Africa and its languages would delve into the matter and explain it to English speakers.

  2. Xan -- no they're not all that different. And the persecution is same-old, same-old.

    Mary in Africa

  3. One of comments from the original story describes the sad-and-sorry mental state of her entire family ... this woman needs treatment - not a trial! But I suppose she would cry that her "rights" are being violated? I remember that Anne at the blog "The Gods are Bored" noted that the new healthcare reforms do NOT take into account any needs nor care for mental health challenges. I do really feel sorry for that couple (the "witches") that this woman has stalked relentlessly (and sent emails to their friends, church etc.!) I wonder if she will be able to continue her campaign from the jail? This is not a joke for anyone involved in this case -- I just have the deepest feeling that this sort of story will continue to pop up! Very scary indeed! Perhaps when we do our magical working around the Solstice and Yule -- we can include strong thoughts of "safety and care" for these folks too!

    Jan at Rosemary Cottage

  4. Good Christ! ;-)

    Where do you find this ish?
