Monday, February 01, 2010

This Is Not The "Age Of Aquarius" I Was Promised

May you live in interesting times.

This is all leading up to the grand square which starts in May 2010 when Uranus enters Aries and will start moving to a square with Pluto which is moving into a square with Saturn. We are talking major social unrest and revolution. Plus Jupiter entering Aries on June 6 will expand all of these energies. Then in July, Mars goes into Libra and is the trigger to kick it all off at the time of a major eclipse on July 11. You will be hearing more about this grand square from me and from astrologers around the world who are closely watching this one. These types of configurations don’t come along very often.

1 comment:

  1. clymela2:43 PM

    This is going to be the time of our lives because this is not just about our society but about the world.
    We will definitely see social unrest.And no this is not the "Age of Aquarius" we thought we would get but is the beginning of the real age of Aquarius. I pray that what I do in my life and what my friends do will inspire and support the young ones, such as your own beloved grandson,so that they can stay grounded even when everything is done for them. and I am not referring to spoiled children but rather to a coming society where the work is done more by machine.
