Thursday, March 25, 2010

Earth Hour

I get, I really do, all of the progressive objections to an event such as this one. I get that it can be viewed as a meaningless gesture, one that took more carbon to organize and publicize than it saves, one that lets people feel as if they've "done something" and then go back to driving Hummers and throwing away plastic bottles, one that cannont, by itself, change what politicians or corporations do. I get it. I get that we can't consume our way out of our global crisis and I get that the American military consumes so much carbon that it can seem pointless to worry about what I do.

And, yet, I will be turning off my lights and other appliances this Saturday. I will be doing it because I can and because this Planet is my deity. I will be doing it because every time that the people of the Earth work together to do anything positive, the noosphere gets stronger and the good goes beyond the immediately measurable. I will be doing it because I have a grandson.

What about you?


  1. I organized a peace rally once and a pragmatic friend of mine asked, "How is that useful?" It gave me pause to wonder at the hopelessness of the gesture. However, the day of the rally, several hundred of us shared peace. We spoke peace. Peace was heard and seen and written in our little burg that day. It was useful.

  2. It's a good idea to make the mindset available to those who can attain it.
    Thus I will be turning my lights off tomoorow night - I go to bed around 7:30 anyway, but I'll leave the outside ones off as well, just as I did last year.
    If it makes only one person wonder why my house is standing in drakness in security-conscious South Africa, it has the potential to affect a dozen more.Especially in Africa, we're set up to use the gossip network.
    Terri in Joburg

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. And if we can all do it for one hour of one night, then each of us is given the knowledge and opportunity to do it once a month or a week in our community; these meaningless gestures draw in more folks who realize that they CAN live with less consumption and make a difference. :-)

  5. Amazing comments, Clara, Aquila, and Morgaine. I think that every extra hour of peace, or environmental awareness, of hope that this Planet can get is good for it. Yes, bigger actions are needed, as well. Derrick Jensen is absolutely right. But that doesn't mean that those of us who can, at least for now, only do smaller things shouldn't do them. And, as witches and magic workers, we can do them with magic intent, which magnifies their effect.

  6. Just a video for you ...

    "Ladies Spin" Lindie Lila from the album "Return of the Goddess, Sacred Chants for Women"

    Jan at Rosemary Cottage
