Thursday, May 06, 2010

Thursday Garden Blogging

Blue barlow columbine.

Photo by the author; if you copy, please link back.


  1. very niz. i was just looking at a black one, it's so striking but you wonder if people would even notice it. (that probably doesn't make any sense, lol) i dunno, sometimes i feel like i garden for me alone; so few people really appreciate the aesthetic of gardening. you obviously do, :-)

    i see you mulch, it looks like. were your croci really short lived this year? mine were. i use stone in my beds rather than mulch and close plant. it's so huge here i couldn't mulch all the beds ever year without killing myself or one of my charges. i may do one exception bed and mulch a riverstone water garden out in front. when veggies are in, i'll think about it more.

    the Goddess favors your space, clearly. nice work.

  2. Beautiful and eye pleasing! Talent as a photographer and a blogger. Sometimes I put my garden plants in containers and bury the containers to keep my plants from growing too big too fast in areas of limited space.

  3. Oooh, I love columbine. My grandmother always had the little yellow and orange wild ones in her garden. Lovely.
