Undermining the Patriarchy Every Chance I Get -- And I Get a Lot of Chances Please find me at my new blog: hecatedemeter.wordpress.com
Nothing. My Basil got black-frost-nipped, as did the Squash. But both will recover, I think, with the sacrifice of some leaves.Love,Terri in Joburg
OK, I'm a little late on this one. Black Cohosh. I planted a seedling about 3 years ago and after much struggling, it is now about 2' tall and sent up it's first stalks of flowers.
Nothing. My Basil got black-frost-nipped, as did the Squash. But both will recover, I think, with the sacrifice of some leaves.
Terri in Joburg
OK, I'm a little late on this one. Black Cohosh. I planted a seedling about 3 years ago and after much struggling, it is now about 2' tall and sent up it's first stalks of flowers.