Undermining the Patriarchy Every Chance I Get -- And I Get a Lot of Chances Please find me at my new blog: hecatedemeter.wordpress.com
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Saturday Poetry Blogging/Rain Spell
We overcome this wind.
We desire the rain to fall,
that it be poured in showers quickly.
Ah, thou rain, I adjure thee fall.
If thou rainest, it is well.
A drizzling confusion.
If it rains and our food ripes, it is well.
If the young men sing, it is well.
A drizzing confusion.
If our grain ripens, it is well.
If our women rejoice,
If the children rejoice, if the young men sing,
If the aged rejoice,
An overflowing in the granary.
A torent in flow.
If the wind veers to the south, it is well.
If the rain veers to the south, it is well.
~John S. Mbiti in Earth Prayers from Around the World, edited by Elizabeth Roberts and Elias Amidon
Picture found here.
Wonderful cooling breezes are felt just looking at this picture and I am sure your spell will bring a release of Mother Natures tears for a brief respite.