Friday, November 19, 2010

My New Name for a Blog

What Sia Said.

I already hated flying. In my lifetime, it's gone from a glamourous adventure to almost a mind-numbing pain in the ass. Frankly, I don't care who sees me naked. I'm an old woman who's had a number of surgeries; if it gets your rocks off, well, have at it. And as a breast cancer survivor I've been touched, squeezed, cut, poisoned, and examined so much that it's difficult for me to get too worked up.

But I'm fucking sick and tired of giving up my rights to a bunch of patriarchial nutjobs, made frantic by the fact that some other patriarchial nutjobs attacked a commercial building. Security theatre is for children. And I am not a child.

Kali, fuck; could we all act like Americans for a change and quit letting Osama win?

Picture found here.


  1. My thoughts exactly. Thank you.

  2. here here, i heartily agree
    Blessed Be

  3. Not only is it kabuki, it's not even good kabuki. The scanners can't detect objects hidden in body cavities, or even under adult diapers. They are useless for their intended purpose, and the TSA knows this.

    The pat-downs that are conducted when someone "opts out" of the body scans give every indication of having been designed to be as invasive and demeaning as possible, for the purpose of deterring people from opting out of the useless body scans. By the way, it might be interesting to follow the money and see who owns the company that supplies these devices.

    My take on it, FWIW, is that this has nothing to do with security. The TSA know this, and most of the passengers know it. It's obedience training. The airport security process is being used as a conditioning lab to train tens of thousands of Americans to do as they're told by people in authority, to do it when they're told to do it, and to do it without question. For this purpose, the absurdity of the actions ordered is a feature, and not a bug.

    If ever I travel into the U.S., I'll travel to the nearest border crossing to my destination and then take a train or car into the country. I refuse to allow myself to be nuked and/or sexually molested as a condition for entering, exiting, or travelling within the land of the free and the home of the brave.

  4. As for following the money -- one of the (former?) top folks at the Homeland Security/TSA now has a consulting firm with the supplier of the body scan machines as a client .....hmmmmmm

    Very similar situation as the folks who hire former/retired top military brass -- and then win contracts that help to keep the war going .....hmmmmmm

    It is ALWAYS about the money ....


    update from the TSA about taking along any holiday goodies ....

    sheesh ....

  6. and speaking of cancer survivors and the TSA...

    How many more ways can we be outraged?

  7. What gets me is that the TSA lies. They lie their asses off, and blatantly. You know the little badges they have that say "Dept of Homeland Security?" They're not actually part of that department at all. Only The Coast Guard, and ICE and Border Patrol are. They don't even have the status of being a branch of law enforcement! They're civilians, just like the people they're using invasive pat downs on. But the TSA doesn't want people to know that, because then they'd lose what little authority they have. Utterly disgusting.
