Monday, March 21, 2011

Thou Shalt Not

I'm often baffled at Christians who insist that every single word in the Bible is a literal truth and that everyone has to follow rules developed thousands of years ago for people who lived in a nomadic society, want their 10 commandments inscribed on every square inch of government property not taken up with nativity scenes, but feel that it's ok to, for example, kill abortion providers or, in this story, steal signs from stores selling Pagan supplies. It's not as if those bits are ambiguous; "Thou Shalt Not Kill," and "Thou Shalt Not Steal" are pretty clear-cut. No exemptions for situational ethics or in service to some higher good. After all, "'Vengence is mine,' sayeth the Lord."

Speeding to get away from the police, ok, you can argue about whether that falls under "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's," but the not stealing bit seems fairly unambiguous.

And, as always, if you're going, as this story does, to capitalize "Christian," then you should, as this story fails to do, capitalize "Pagan." Both are umbrella terms for a variety of religions.

Picture found here.


  1. Consistency is not one of the cardinal virtues of the Christian religion. Good thing, too. One can hardly expect consistency from people whose belief system requires them to believe, as literal truth, that rabbits chew the cud, just like cows. It's right there in Leviticus 11:5.

    A recent report carried a story of a macho Christian guy who had the text of Leviticus 18:22 (you know, the anti-gay verse) tattooed on his arm; but Leviticus 19:28 forbids tattoos. Here's a link:

    And, by the way, talk about protesting too much. . . .

  2. Yep. No surprise here at all. At all. Only grateful that nobody was hurt at the store or along his escape route.

    I would love to hear his story about why he felt it was his "calling" to steal the sign.
