Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Absofuckinglutely Amazing

I don't normally blog the same things, as Atrios, because I figure most people who are kind enough to visit this blog come here from Eschaton, but I'm going to make an exception, today. Atrios has a link to the ever-snarky Jesus' General, who links to a truly disturbing story about some xians who've managed to run a Jewish family out of town (that's right, you heard me, and yes, this is 2006, thanks for asking). As he reports, "A large Delaware school district promoted Christianity so aggressively that a Jewish family felt it necessary to move to Wilmington, two hours away, because they feared retaliation for filing a lawsuit.


On the evening in August 2004 when the board was to announce its new policy, hundreds of people turned out for the meeting. The Dobrich family and Jane Doe felt intimidated and asked a state trooper to escort them.

The complaint recounts a raucous crowd that applauded the board's opening prayer and then, when sixth-grader Alexander Dobrich stood up to read a statement, yelled at him 'take your yarmulke off!' His statement, read by Samantha, confided 'I feel bad when kids in my class call me Jew boy.'

...A former board member suggested that Mona Dobrich might 'disappear' like Madalyn Murray O'Hair, the atheist whose Supreme Court case resulted in ending organized school prayer. She disappeared in 1995 and her dismembered body was found six years later.

The crowd booed an ACLU speaker and told her to 'go back up north.'

In the days after the meeting the community poured venom on the Dobriches. Callers to the local radio station said the family they should convert or leave the area. Someone called them and said the Ku Klux Klan was nearby."

And, as you can see from the post, the creep who printed the family's name is happy about the results!

I'm not even going to bother pointing out that this behavior sounds remarkably unlike anything that the Jesus of Nazareth I grew up reading about would want done in his name. This is how xians act every chance they get and it's how they've acted from the Crusades to the Burning Times to today.

What I am going to point out is that if they ran a Jewish family out of town and yelled at a little boy to take off his yarmulke, you can just imagine what they'd do to a Wiccan family. The theocratic states of America are really beginning to piss me off.


  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Yes, I can imagine - the Burning Times were not that long ago. Those crosses would be replaced with stakes and people would be burned once again.

  2. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Yes, I can imagine - the Burning Times were not that long ago. Those crosses would be replaced with stakes and people would be burned once again.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. This horrifies me, and I speak as a Christian (you may not realise that one of them reads your blog quite a log and agrees with ahell of a lot of it!). I sometimes wonder where all the moderate, liberal Christians in the world actually are, why wont any of them speak up?

  5. There has been a movement by right-wing Christians to take over school boards for some time now. This goes beyond that to an inquisition, an attempt to drive non-Christians from the public schools in that district.

  6. Not only can I imagine what would happen to a wiccan, I've seen it in Republic, Missouri. An ACLU plaintiff in 1999 was hounded out of Republic after filing a complaint about the ichthus appearing on the official city seal.

    The fine xtians in Republic made her life HELL..all in the name of the Lord. Just before she moved from Republic, her "neighbors" turned her sprinklers on full blast her CAR.

    Locals got to show their ignorance in a story that appeared on Page ONE of the NY Times. In that story, a woman from Republic claimed that theirs is a very tolerant town, as "we have lots of people living here who aren't Christian. Catholics and everyone..."

    This is John Ashcroft country. It's not unusual for businesses to include the ichthus in their advertising or proudly proclaim their xtianity on their signage. It's also where the big 4th of July celebration is put on by a local Assemblies of God church, but referred to as "Six Flags over Jesus" by us blue folk.
