Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Ken Lay Is Dead. The Motherfucker.

You know what really killed him? WaPo reports that, "On Friday, federal prosecutors asked a judge to order Lay and former Enron executive Jeffrey K. Skilling to turn over $182.2 million in assets, arguing that their homes and other assets were acquired by fraud." Having to turn over his ill-gotten goods was far more than his "heart" -- and I use that term loosely -- could handle.

I'm only sorry that he died at his expensive home, in his bed, in motherfucking Aspen, Colorado, in a quick and relatively painless manner. I was hoping he'd have many years to spend in jail, thinking about what he'd done.

Look, this is far from the first heart attack caused by the Enron scandal. We just didn't have front-page articles written about the lineman in the Pacific Northwest who worked his entire life keeping the lights on for people and then saw his entire pension disappear in one fell swoop. Nor were there front-page articles about little old ladies whose hearts gave out due to the stress of not being able to pay for both electricity and medicine in Southern California while their son's family business had to close because the electricity bill quadrupled overnight.

Ken Lay was a thief. A crook. A dirty, rotten creep who didn't care how much he hurt anyone else. Oh, and he was George Bush's biggest contributor. And one of the principals in Cheney's secret energy task force. Wonder if they'll send Cheney to the funeral.


  1. Anonymous2:30 PM

    it is "thief" not "thief" you two-bit fake cunt

  2. Anonymous2:55 PM

    you think

    -- he's really dead, a la body double

    -- he really died of a heart attack or was it suicide

  3. Hmmm... some strange responses on this thread!

    It does seem a bit of a let off fot this individual (although I can't confess to celebrating the death of anybody), white colar crime is too often let off easily.

    You ever read the book "The Corporation"? Makes interesting reading, there's quite a lot on how individuals end up behaving in out of the character ways when working for large companies.

    Not excusing this man's actions mind!

  4. Geez, Hecate, you seem to have hit a nerve there. Ol' anon 2:30 seems a bit wound up. Not to mention incoherent.

    I wondered about that "heart attack" too. Probably the fact that it was two sizes too small that got him.

    And I agree about it being a let-down. The only hope I have is that he will have a day in the Karma Court and come back as, oh, cockroach. To be squashed by Ken DeLay in his prison cell.

  5. Anonymous3:49 PM

    the more you steal, the less the penalty-- I would send a DNA specialist over to the funeral parlor NOW before the cremation is scheduled!

  6. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Off-topic, Hecate,

    but I found this website

    and thought of you for some reason.


  7. well, i'd need to see the body and the DNA test to believe it's really him. just a little too convenient.

  8. Like I said - it better be an open casket funeral - I'd put nothing past him (I wouldn't trust a DNA test either unless I saw the sample being collected and the analysis being performed).

  9. Anonymous1:46 PM

    "Convenient" is putting it mildly...more like the brass ring since now per TX law he could be released of all charges and his estate could not be gone after.

    I agree I want to see DNA test results, etc.

    If it's his body it had to have been suicide, no doubt he used the poison that mimics heart attacks which the CIA uses in it's dissolving darts.

    Wonder what kind of insurance policy he had....?
