Monday, July 24, 2006

Gorgeous Grandson Blogging

Here's my gorgeous Grandson at the beach, dressed for bed in his warm, soft, clean, cotton jammies. His grandpa, the First Ex-Mr. Hecate, is holding him out on the deck by Myrtle Beach. He's full to the gills of warm, nourishing, breast milk. He's in dry diapers. He's surrounded by loving grandparents, second cousins, great aunts and uncles, and assorted hangers-on. The First Ex-Mr. Hecate's husband sent me these pictures at work today.

I wish that every baby in the world were as well cared-for. I look at him and I think, "You'll live until at least 2080 or 2090, maybe more. You'll see the water wars and the food wars and the population wars. May the Goddess guard you. I'll do whatever I can to make the wold better for you."

I think this is the prayer most grandparents pray.


  1. May all our children and grandchildren be as lucky. May they all have enough to eat and someone to love all their days.

  2. And may the best days of our past be the worst days of their future.

  3. Anonymous9:42 PM

    What an adorable baby.

  4. Such a beautiful baby. You're one lucky grandmama!

  5. He is way up there on the button cuteness scale.

  6. What a beautiful baby.

    I'm very moved by your prayer. My eldest niece just had her first baby on July 15 - so now there's a new generation in the family. And I shudder to think what the world is going to be like for her as she grows up.
