Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I haven't been to see a Woody Allen film since he ran off with his step-daughter, but this could be either a lot of fun for tarot enthusiasts or something really terrible.

Scoop tells the story of "late U.K. journalist Joe Strombel (played by Mr. McShane) [who] is being mourned by his colleagues – even as, stuck in limbo, Joe remains committed to pursuing a hot tip on the identity of "the Tarot Card Killer" at large in London. But how can his legwork get done now? Via the very much alive Sondra Pransky (Ms. Johansson)."

A movie about a "Tarot Card Killer" can't help but remind those of us in the Washington, D.C. area of the sniper shootings in which, at one site, the Death card was left as a sort of "calling card." It led to lots of silly speculation concerning whether or not "the occult" was involved in the killings (It wasn't.)

1 comment:

  1. and they were clueless at that, because the death card doesn't mean death at all, but merely a change of direction in the heart.
