Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Great. If We're Not Going To Spend Federal Money On Morally Objectionable Stuff, I've Got A Little List And It Starts With Iraq.

WaPo reports that:

"President Bush does not consider stem cell research using human embryos to be murder, the White House said yesterday, reversing its description of his position just days after he vetoed legislation to lift federal funding restrictions on the hotly disputed area of study.

White House press secretary Tony Snow said yesterday that he 'overstated the president's position during a briefing last week but said Bush rejected the bill because 'he does have objections with spending federal money on something that is morally objectionable to many Americans.'"

I wrote a letter to the WH today telling Bush that the war in Iraq is morally objectionable to me and to many, many other Americans and that he needs to quit spending federal money on it.

I'll wait until he pulls us out of Iraq to mention "faith-based funding," "abstinence education," Gitmo, secret rendition, domestic spying, signing statements, and corporate welfare, which I also find morally objectionable.

They've backed themselves into this corner. We should exploit it. Can we get, oh, say 2 or 3 million people to write similar letters to the WH?


  1. Anonymous1:50 PM

    What's the address? I'll write!

  2. Anonymous1:55 PM

    I'll gladly send one. I think our Congressfolk should get them too.

  3. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Done. Thanks for the link Hecate!
