Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Porn Palaces

Via Miniver Cheevey comes this link to gorgeous photos of library porn.

Twice in my life, I've suddenly looked up and realized, "This is heaven."

Once, was when I was doing research for my Masters degree in the Maryland archives which, at that time, were housed in a gorgeous building on the campus of St. John's in Annapolis. Sweet ladies brought wooden boxes full of letters and leather-covered journals out to your desk and let you breathe in air that had been locked into the box maybe 75 years ago.

The second time was when I was still in law school, a summer associate for a large DC law firm. I suddenly looked up and realized that I was being paid obscene amounts of money to sit in a library and read -- something that I'd willing pay obscene amounts of money to be able to do.

What's your favorite library? Your favorite book store? My home library is organized into Stickley bookcases, with fiction by author's last name and non-fiction using the Library of Congress numbering system. How is you home library organized?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:33 AM

    One of my favorites is just down the road in Concord, MA. The atmosphere is very conducive to browsing and the staff both knowledgeable and eager to help.

    But what sets it apart is the "Local Authors" section, which includes Alcott, Emerson, Hawthorne and Thoreau. Their houses are on author's row just around the block.
