Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Uncivil Is The New Uppity. I, Myself, An Uncivil.

Today's WaPo has an interesting article on Maryland's biggest embarrassment, Wm. Donald Schaefer. Schaefer has made a complete ass of himself in recent months concerning his attitudes towards women. Today's WaPo reports that Schaefer has made demeaning comments concerning his female opponent in the upcoming Democratic primary (Maryland, as your former daughter, I'm imploring you. Do the right thing and vote Schaefer out.)

Schaefer told Washington Post columnist Marc Fisher in comments published yesterday that Owens, the Anne Arundel County executive, is a "prissy little miss" who wears "long dresses, looks like Mother Hubbard -- it's sort of like she was a man." Schaefer made similar comments in a taped interview with NewsChannel 8. "She's got these long clothes on and an old-fashioned hairdo," he said. "You know it sort of makes you real mad."

The article, which I read at a very nice lunch at P 21, which has replaced BeDuCi, and which I ate at so that I could stop at Third Day, and buy some lovely jasmine for my kitchen window (Third Day has THE most knowledgeable sales staff in the world!), reports that Schaefer complained that:

Schaefer took time at a campaign stop in St. Mary's County yesterday to defend himself against the persistent criticism of his treatment of women. "Show me a man who is 84 years old who doesn't look at girls' backsides," he said, drawing a hearty laugh from about 20 supporters gathered at a pizza parlor in Callaway. "People make anything you say into something wrong."

"This has been a nasty race," Schaefer added. "There was a time when people used to be nice to each other. They're not nice anymore."

His whining made me think of Joe Lieberman, who has taken to crying on a daily basis that people aren't "civil" enough to him.

Look, "civil" is the new "uppity." It's employed by WATBs like Lieberman and Schaeffer -- white, upper-class males who are suddenly distressed to find that women, blacks, rank-and-file Democrats (you know, the "little people") no longer seem to know their place. I sure do hope that incivility stages a comeback. I'll gladly take rough-and-tumble politics over the rape, murder, and torture of innocent Iraqis and over Schaeffer's privileged demands that female staffers re-exit the room so that he can enjoy their ass.

First up against the wall, Motherfuckrs.

Full transparency: The very last time that Hecate tried to physically intimidate (aka threatned to spank) Son, it was to get him to put on a necktie to go to Wm. Donald Schaefer's Xmas party at the Md. Govenor's Mansion when Son insisted that he didn't want to put on a necktie because he didn't respect Wm. Donald Schaefer. Son was right. Hecate was wrong. Hecate hopes that Son will remember this in, oh, about 12 or 13 years.

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