Friday, December 08, 2006

Separation Of Church And State -- What A Good Idea.

The xians continue to have their panties in a wad over a policy that they went to court in order to implement. Swear to Kali, these people sure do love to see themselves as persecuted.

Via Witchvox, WorldNetDaily reports that: In the appellate opinion from Maryland, Judge Diana Motz concluded giving school officials "unbridled discretion to deny access to the oft-used forum [notices in kids' backpacks] – for any reason at all, including antipathy to a particular viewpoint – does not ensure the requisite viewpoint neutrality."

In that case, the school board specifically wanted a policy allowing teachers to hand out flyers from groups school officials liked, but that would ban flyers from Christian Evangelism Fellowship.

WorldNetDaily is lying. School officials had a policy that allowed them to send home, for example, notices about the local Department of Parks and Recreation, but did not allow ANY religious notices. It had nothing to do with whether or not school officials "liked" a particular group. A fundie father got Jerry Falwell's group to sue the school system and the United States Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit -- one of America's most conservative -- told the Board of Education that if it sent home any notices that were from any organization other than the school system itself, it had to allow religious notices, as well. The fundies were perfectly happy with that, thinking that they could now prostelityze a captive band of children to their hearts' content.

Well, sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Pagans who attend the local Unitarian church sent home an announcement for their Yule celebration through the school system.

And the fundies, used to having their cake and eating it, too, are going nuts.

The whole debacle simply goes to show what a good idea separation of church and state really is.


  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Oh dear. Speaking of the religious right going nuts. . . Look what I just found. If only it was a parody.

  2. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Going Nuts Take 2

  3. Love it! If they ever get their prayer in schools agenda in place, oh boy will I pray -- and loudly -- to the Goddess and the spirits of the Four Quarters! And if any kid asks me about it, well ..... OH BOY, MISSIONARY WORK IN SCHOOL!

  4. Instead of whining they should be going after Jerry Falwell since he started the whole blasted thing. He kicked the door in and the Pagans walked through. Good for them!
