Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Constitutional Ability And The Moral Responsibility

Those who voted for the war, those who voted to continue to support the war and those who voted to continue funding the war can all surely vote to stop the war and do what's right for our military personnel and nation.

Not in 2008 or 2009, but now

Damn. Tom Vilsack lays it out in the simplest terms possible. He also seems to get that the Bush junta has used up all of its Friedmans: Nearly a year ago, I went to Iraq to hear firsthand from U.S. troops, military leaders and Iraqis.

This is what I heard from our military commanders: If the Iraqi government can't provide better security for its people in six months, U.S. troops in central and southern Iraq should leave. That time has now come and gone -- and so should our servicemen and women who are needlessly in danger.

He concludes that: Congress has the constitutional ability and the moral responsibility to pass legislation cutting off funding for the status quo.

Now, the only question is whether the men and women in Congress will live up to that moral responsibility. Congress! Do it now!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Yeh, I liked that too.

    And just FYI, I tried to post this and for some reason I kept being bounced;
    Trying again;
    Interestingly, on NBC last night there were several interviews with soldiers in Baghdad in street-to-street fighting, every one of whom stated that they ought not to be there. Last week ABC News interviewed several soldiers in other parts of Iraq, and every interview found feelings that criticism from U.S. citizens was undermining their war. Hmmmmm.

    I suspect telling enough of the truth will put some real heat on our Congress to bring the soldiers home.

    from Ruth
